Chemistry and Chemical Eng.
Chemistry plays a key role in the transition to a truly sustainable society, as it supports the engineering of the processes of transformation of matter (chemical engineering) and, therefore, it is fundamental to improve efficiency of these processes to optimize natural resources usage and minimize negative impacts on the environment. Solid knowledge of routes for managing raw materials, their transformation into products and their use and disposal, in an integrated life cycle perspective that promotes the circular economy, closing the cycle through recycling/reuse of resources, as opposed to the linear economy of extraction, transformation, use and disposal, must be part of the core knowledge of professionals in chemistry.

This life cycle perspective has led to an evolution of the integration of classic green chemistry and green engineering principles from the linear economy to the circular economy. For this, the role of professionals in chemistry is fundamental, due to the importance of applying their knowledge in the sustainable development of product supply chains, which can extend to practically all links in these chains. Sustainable development comprises different aspects, as provided for in the 17 sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations (UN), under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, several of which can be significantly impacted by the application of green chemistry and green engineering principles in economic activity, being opportunities for which society has been increasingly attentive and where, therefore, C-GREEN seeks to add value.
Thus, at C-GREEN we seek to apply our training and experience in chemistry and chemical engineering, considering the principles of green chemistry and green engineering, in the proposal of smart solutions (“powered by smart solutions”) as catalysts to design and improve processes of recovery and transformation of material and energy resources, with a perspective of future (“driven by the future”) that promotes the sustainable development of the organizations’ activities.